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What is Panchagavya?

गव्यम पवित्रम च रसायनम च पथ्यं च ह्रद्द्यबलम बुद्धिदंस्यात |आयुः प्रदम रक्त विकार हारी त्रिदोष ह्रद्रोग विषापहं स्यात ॥

Gavya(or the things derived from cow) is great elixir, proper diet, pleasing to heart, giver of mental and physical strength, enhances longevity. It removes all blood disorders. It balances bile, mucous and airs. Remover of heart diseases and effect of poison.

यत्वगस्थि गतम पापम देहे तिष्ठती मामके । प्राशनात पञ्चगव्यस्य दहम्त्वग्नि रिवेंधनम ॥

From skin to bones, what ever sins (diseases) are in my body, are destroyed by panchagavya just as fire destroys fuel

Panchagavya is a classic collective name of five products obtained from cow viz milk, curd, ghee, urine and dung.Medicinal uses of Panchagavya and its individual ingredients including cow urine are mentioned in the authoritative books of Ayurveda. Its therapeutic uses in Ayurveda include Krimi Roga, Kushtha, Kandu, Shoola, Gulma, Udara Roga, Anaha, Shotha, Pandu, Kamala, Vasti Roga, Kasa, Shavasa, Atisara, Mutraroga etc. Cow urine is ingredient of several Ayurvedic formulations and also used as adjuvant with medicinal formulations and for pharmaceutical processing called Shodhana (Purification) and Bhavana (Triturition) of medicinal materials.

Panchagavya Therapy means use of Panchgavya (as explained above) in curing diseases which is an integral part of Ayurveda without which no treatment would be that effective.

We have experience of treating more than 3000 patients in India & abroad, through use of Panchgavya. Diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, Blood pressure, Psoriasis, Skin diseases, Asthma, Chronic body pain, Gynecological problems, Infertility, Kidney diseases, Digestive disorders, etc. have been successfully cured. Many of the chronic illness cases have been cured within months with Panchgavya.

Ayurveda mentions of Sadhya & Asadhya Rogas – Curable & Incurable diseases. As per our experience, with use of Panchgavya even if the disease is not cured fully but the patient is able to live much better than before. Diagnosis is the 1st step of treating any disease. By Pulse Diagnosis or Naadi Pariksha an expert Vaidya can know the stage of a disease and can foretell about the curability of disease. We follow the traditional manual Pulse diagnosis method as well as electronic Pulse diagnosis as an aid which generates a full report by which a patient is able to know whats happening in his body as per Ayurveda.

If you are interested to learn more about Naadi Pariksha & Panchgavya therapy enroll for our Online course here…!

We conduct seminars all over India in which we teach Pulse Diagnosis & Panchgavya Therapy. Also we conduct Health Camps in which we check patients. Anyone who want to organize such Seminar or Health Camp may contact us We are in a process to recruit Vaidyas and assistants for Our Panchgavya Centers all over India. Interested candidates can Apply Now! Eligibility Criteria Qualified BAMS/BHMS/Siddha/Unani degree holder from recognized University or Experience in Traditional Medicine.

Our Staff

Aniket Narkhede

Director- Gavyamrut Healthcare LLP. Adviser- Vedic Academy for Panchgavya Education

Based in London, he founded Gavyamrut Healthcare LLP (GVHC) to promote Panchgavya Ayurveda. GVHC collaborates with Vedic Academy to establish centers offering holistic treatments and job opportunities.

Vaidya Nikhil Undegaonkar

Pradhan Vaidya & Teacher.Principal- Vedic Academy for Panchgavya Education. Adviser- Gavyamrut Health Care

Also known as Nam Acharya, he is a B.Tech Chemical graduate from NIT Surat and Principal of Vedic Academy for Panchgavya Education. He teaches Panchgavya Therapy with Pulse Diagnosis, has treated over 1500 patients, and runs a Gaushala near Parbhani.

Ghanshyam Das

Manufacturer & CEO- Gokripa Products. Director- Vedic Academy For Panchgavya Education. Adviser- Gavyamrut Healthcare

Based in London, he founded Gavyamrut Healthcare LLP (GVHC) to promote Panchgavya Ayurveda. GVHC collaborates with Vedic Academy to establish centers offering holistic treatments and job opportunities.

Contact Us

Kamdhenu Panchgavya Ayurved Kendra

Undegaonkars Complex, Doctor Ln, near Bus-stand, New Mondha, Parbhani, Maharashtra 431401, India

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